All-in-One PDF Tools Simplify Your Workflow!
If you are not satisfied with the service or software provided by toppdf, we offer a 7-day no-questions-asked money back guarantee. Refund requests must be submitted within 7 days of the purchase date and will not be accepted after that time.
Refunds are only available for first-time purchases. If you have previously refunded and re-purchased at a later date, the refund will no longer apply.
Refunds will be returned to your original payment method. Refund processing time may vary depending on the payment provider's policy.
toppdf provides users with 24/7 technical support services. If you encounter any problems in using our services or software, you can contact us via email or online customer service system.
We promise to respond within 24 hours of receiving a user's request. Our technical team will do our best to solve your problems.
we will provide free fixing service for problems caused by the failure of our service or software.
For problems caused by the user's own reasons, we will provide paid technical support services. The specific cost depends on the complexity of the problem and the time needed to solve the problem.
Please contact us if you have any questions and we will reply to your message as soon as possible.